Dry-needling is another type of treatment that involves acupuncture needles.
It consists of placing acupuncture needles, which are inserted into the skin and muscle, with the aim of obtaining myofascial trigger points, which cause pain. These points are tender spots in the soft tissue, sometimes called “muscle knots” or “micro cramps.”
Melissa Solís explains to us in the following video that are its benefits..
Why is it done?
Dry puncture is often carried out as part of a broader treatment plan and tends to be not recommended alone. Therapists use dry puncture with the aim of releasing the triggers, thus reliabing pain and, in turn, improving the range of movement and releasing muscle tension. To do this they look for the trigger point with the aim of pressing it, deactivating it and ending the pain.
This technique allows to destroy the muscle fibers that are damaged, since through muscle spasms pain and inflammation can be eliminated.
Dry puncture can provide relief for pain/muscle stiffness. It can be used in the treatment of:
- Muscle pain.
- Trauma.
- Muscle contractures.
- Cervical pain.
- Lumbar pain.
- Pain for sports injuries.
- Fibromyalgia pain.
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